
46 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses

That is really fun to watch. The girls playing one of my favorite browser games was awesome. And I would love to read your Manga when it comes out.

This movie is another great effort by you. The voice acting was perfect,story was great, and best of all the message of always sticking for friends even when they make mistakes really stands out. I would love to be a voice actor when the chance comes. I have a really good voice and Vocal range. Which will be the perfect candidate to make a great VA. One more thing, I would to see the alien hominid OVA when you can get the chance.

That will be pretty decent for a series I would want to watch. I love the colorful animation and the magical girl/sentai concept in it. On a similar note, I would love for you to keep going and keep moving forward. Hopefully your series will be good.😍

Very Kickass opener for someone who made a first episode for a series that the MCU will be jealous of for that level of skill.😃

I am now becoming a absolute fan of your work. I really love your style and drawings, they are very beautiful. I would love to use anime-style drawings for future animated movie ideas for myself and everyone to enjoy.

This is awesome! The power of friendship always wins!

This is a awesome episode and I am absolutely hyped for episode 2 when you come back to SASB. That would definitely look like something out of the MCU so yeah, I would love to see the next episode.

SpacePea responds:

Tysm! Currently working on BOS4, but after that ill get right to SASB 2!

This episode is pretty awesome by animation you really nailed it, hopefully I will wait patiently for the next episode of SMBZ. Note: have you heard about the death of Akira Toriyama, hopefully you will respect him in memoriam. RIP Akira Toriyama.😢

The animation is pretty clean from what I have seen in the old series but I am sorry for the technological limitations of the thousands I call this the greatest episode of all time.

This is fire hopefully future animators and filmmakers like myself would watch this OVA as inspiration.

I am just a guy looking for an opportunity to get into filmmaking and acting in movies and shows.

Age 16, Male

Aspiring filmmaker

Kennewick wa, America

Joined on 1/23/24

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